Gamera: Guardian of the Universe

Gamera Guardian of the Universe , Gamera Daikaij Kch Kessen? , Gamera Giant Monster Midair Battle , is a 1995 science fiction kaiju film directed by Shusuke Kaneko and written by Kazunori It. It is a reboot of the Gamera film franchise, taking the character and franchise in a more serious and darker direction, away from the campy tone of the original films, and targeting a more mature audience. It was a coproduction of Hakuhodo, Daiei Film and Nippon Television, and was the first Gamera film not to be released by Daiei Film.

A ship carrying plutonium collides with a floating atoll off the eastern coast of the Philippines, one of many incidents occurring throughout the area. As the anomalous formation approaches Japan, a team of scientists led by Naoya Kusanagi Akira Onodera discover orihalcum amulets and a stone slab covered in Etrurian runes on the atoll. During the investigation, the atoll suddenly quakes, destroying the slab and throwing the scientists into the ocean. One member of the team, Marine Officer Yoshinari Yonemori Tsuyoshi Ihara, sees the eye and tusk of a giant turtle.Meanwhile, ornithologist Mayumi Nagamine Shinobu Nakayama investigates a village in the Goto Archipelago reportedly attacked by a giant bird. While Nagamine is initially skeptical of the claims, she is horrified upon discovering human remains in a giant bird pellet. Exploring the nearby forest, her team encounters and then successfully prevents three birdlike creatures from attacking another village. To prevent further attacks, Nagamine agrees to aid the government in capturing the giant birds. The creatures are lured the Fukuoka Dome baseball stadium, where two of the three are successfully captured. The last one escapes to the harbor, where she is killed by the giant turtle encountered by Yonemori and the scientists. The remaining birds escape before the turtle reaches the stadium. ........

Source: Wikipedia